Monday, March 30, 2009


Further to Brandon's comments about Twitter: thanks! I had no idea how to narrow it. I started following Scott Simon of NPR, who tweets about high brow (upcoming interviews) and low-low brow (what his kids ate for breakfast...I kid you not). So this is a great idea, Brandon, and will help me use Twitter, which I had abandoned.


  1. I think Twitter is something that a lot of folks start off not liking, or at least unsure of. I do still think it is rather annoying to get a twitter telling me what someone had for dinner, but I have quickly dropped those people and find the ones that provide good info for professional use. As more and more people are using this, I think it will be a great marketing tool for schools and classrooms - I follow the Paideia auction on Twitter and get regular updates.

  2. Alan asked me on the way to the air port if what I thought about his day with us and would I do anything different. I liked the free flow.. things like stopping to show Peter how to find a professor's email address and such.

    My first reaction to Alan showing Twitter was it is a tool that our teachers would not readily use and maybe time could have been better spent another way. My second thought is that this was good modeling. New tools and new ideas where we don't have all of the answers.

    I have to say again how much I am enjoying your blog.
